
Mushrooms truly will play an important role in saving the world! There has been research and experiments conducted using mycelium as a bio-re mediator, mycoremediator in this instance, and the mycelium has proved to be gloriously successful.

"Mycelium produces extracellular enzymes and acids that break down recalcitrant durable molecules like lignin and cellulose, which are the two main components of woody plants. Lignin peroxidases is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction of Lingin, which is highly resistant to biodegradation, so only higher fungi are capable of degrading the polymer via an oxidative process. This Lignin Peroxidases dismantles the long chains of hydrogen and carbon (and/or hydrocarbons) converting wood and pollutants into simpler forms, creating a substrate that can be decomposed. "These same enzymes are superb at breaking apart hydrocarbons, the base structure common to oils, petroleum products, pesticides, PCBs, and many other pollutants." (Pure & Appl. Chem.,Vol. 68, No. 11, pp. 2089-2096, 1996. Printed in Great Britain. 0 1996 IUPAC On the interaction of lignin peroxidase with lignin

Hans E. Schoemaker' and Klaus Piontek2" (an excerpt taken from a paper i wrote)

(photos above taken from the fungi perfecti website)

Mycoremediation according to Wikipedia: (below)

Mycoremediation, a phrase coined by Paul Stamets, is a form of bioremediation, the process of using fungi to degrade or sequester contaminants in the environment. Stimulating microbial and enzyme activity, mycelium reduces toxins in-situ. Some fungi are hyperaccumulators, capable of absorbing and concentrating heavy metals in the mushroom fruit bodies.

One of the primary roles of fungi in the ecosystem is decomposition, which is performed by the mycelium. The mycelium secretes extracellular enzymes and acids that break down lignin and cellulose, the two main building blocks of plant fiber. These are organic compounds composed of long chains of carbon and hydrogen, structurally similar to many organic pollutants. The key to mycoremediation is determining the right fungal species to target a specific pollutant. Certain strains have been reported to successfully degrade the nerve gases VX and sarin."

It's time for more emphasis to be put on this budding technology. We have the power and know how, now we need people ot jump on board. Come on, lets save this place.

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